Dream Team

Serve On The Dream Team!

Serving is a great way to begin fulfilling your God-given purpose. The Dream Team serves at church, in the community and around the world. Whether you're outgoing, behind-the-scenes, or somewhere in between, we have a team waiting for you! If you haven't completed Next Steps, this is the place to start.

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.

- 1 Peter 4:10

Tailgate Party

Event Date & Time:
September 29th 5-7PM CST | All Locations

Dream Team…LET’S TAILGATE! Join us for food and fun. Bring your family, chairs, and games. See you there!


Dream Team Resources

52 Culture Cards

The 52 Culture Cards are a resource designed to help our Dream Team and staff stay unified and aligned with Church of the King's vision, values, and standards. By incorporating these cards into our weekly huddles and meetings, we ensure that our teams are consistently inspired and equipped to serve with excellence.

Core Values

Core values are essential because they serve as the guiding principles that shape our decisions, actions, and interactions. They provide a clear sense of direction and purpose, helping us to remain true to our principles even in challenging situations. By adhering to core values, individuals and organizations can foster consistency, build trust, and create a strong foundation for meaningful and authentic relationships.

Dream Team Checklists

The Dream Team provides an opportunity to use your God-given gifts to reach people and build live. You will help others know and experience the love of Jesus and make a difference with your life. Our checklists provide a unique guide for the practical steps necessary for each serve role that you may be a part of.

Layers Of Influence

Influence is our ability to make a difference in and through people’s lives. Godly influence is earned over time as we appropriately grow our relationship with God and develop ourselves as well as utilize our time, talents, and treasure to love and serve others. Our layers of influence bring clarity to our leadership roles.

Dream Team Honor Code

When you become part of the Dream Team, you gain a greater level of influence and the opportunity to impact others. You represent not only Church of the King, but more importantly, you represent Jesus. As a leader in the church family, it is important to demonstrate biblical standards in speech and action to those around you.

Team Values

Contact the Dream Team

If you are interested in the joining the Dream Team, need badge assistance, or have a general inquiry, please get in touch with us here!