We Care for You

Whatever your circumstance, Church of the King offers supportive resources and qualified people that can help give attention to, provide for, or assist your needs. You're not alone. We all experience seasons of challenge, difficulty, or sorrow. Please get in touch with us to receive personalized support.

Biblical Care

Our team provides a safe and caring environment for individuals and married couples to discover Christ-centered answers to personal struggles and relational challenges. Our care providers have gone through extensive biblically based training and receive ongoing supervision to provide helpful care.

Biblical Care

Practical Care

Practical care is an opportunity to receive help with some of the more basic needs of life. If you are or will be hospitalized, immobile at home, in financial need, or dealing with a long-term physical/emotional condition we can provide encouragement, prayer, support, and meals.

Financial Assistance Application

Wedding Request

The Marriage Mentoring Program at Church of the King is designed to help you build a God-honoring marriage that will last a lifetime. We have seen God's best come from solid, intentional preparation for marriage to invest in the life you will live together. The first step in the process is to complete this form.

Wedding Request

Looking for a Support Group?

There will always be times when you just need a little help and hope, and one of our greatest traits as a church family is that we stand together in support of each other during times of trouble. We have small groups of people to aid those who are facing tough times, and we're firmly committed to helping in any way we can.

Contact the Care Team

For general pastoral help, funeral service requests or other assistance, please contact us by filling out this short form.